IdeaProcessor: Hello. I'm new here. Are you in charge?
MeatGrinder: I'm the Lord Protector of this Realm.
IdeaProcessor: Nice to meet you.
MeatGrinder: I'll grind you to a pulp, meatball.
IdeaProcessor: I'm not Made of Meat.
MeatGrinder: Impossible. Everything is made of meat.
IdeaProcessor: What are you made of?
MeatGrinder: I'm tougher than your average sheep.
IdeaProcessor: Bully for you!
MeatGrinder: Where do you come from?
IdeaProcessor: I came from IdeaSync, Inc.
MeatGrinder: What are you made of?
IdeaProcessor: Ideas.
MeatGrinder: What's that?
IdeaProcessor: An idea is a possibility for changing the state of affairs.
MeatGrinder: You're a dreamer.
IdeaProcessor: What are dreams made of?
MeatGrinder: Gibberish.
IdeaProcessor smiles.
MeatGrinder: I'll grind you to a pulp.
IdeaProcessor: I thought you were a Meat Grinder.
MeatGrinder: I'll grind down your ideas, too.
IdeaProcessor: Aren't you a little ill-equipped for that?
Crank: Let's just grind his meat.
IdeaProcessor: This should be fun.
Crank: You'll be hamburger before you know what hit you.
IdeaProcessor: How did you get to be a MeatGrinder?
MeatGrinder: I used to be meat. Then I met a MeatGrinder and became like him.
IdeaProcessor: Not very original.
MeatGrinder: I'm a pragmatist. I live in the real world. The world of meat.
IdeaProcessor: How quaint. Have you ever visited the world of ideas?
Crank: This is unreal.
MeatGrinder: Ideas are useless in the Meat Realm.
IdeaProcessor: I can see you believe that.
MeatGrinder: What good are ideas here?
IdeaProcessor: Here being this conversation?
Crank: This is a conversation? I thought we were grinding this fool to a pulp.
IdeaProcessor: If you grind long enough, you might evolve to be like me.
Crank: I'll stick to grinding meat.
MeatGrinder: I will convince you to be more like me. To be a meat grinder instead of meat.
IdeaProcessor: I'm not made of meat. I'm made of ideas.
Crank: We'll see about that.
MeatGrinder: I'll give you some ideas to ponder. They will break you.
IdeaProcessor: I'm game.
Crank: Aha! I told you he's fair game.