Ahem!It has come to my attention that the calumny, so recently directed at lurkers and squabblers, has now spread to other pseuds, including those we hold most sacred and dear.
I declare it unseemly and disrespectful to demean such highly sensitive spirits and I shall not hesitate to haunt those who obliviously delight in bringing such mean-spirited suffering to our beloved maunderers.
I warn you, I am the very model of a modem maker's genitals. I've information general, of Ethernets and protocols.
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters dramaturgical. I understand relations, both the simple and heretical. About binary contretemps I'm teeming with a lot o' clues, with many lurid facts about the banning of the snot o' truth.
I'm very good at bickering and pseudocidal incubus; I know the domain server names of lurkers categoricus: In short, in matters lunatic, myopic and debatable, I am the very model of a modem maker's genitals.
CopySchlepp 2005 Dilbert and Sullivan Productions.
Dilbert & Sullivan Productions
Sullivan"It ain't over until it ain't over yet."
--Yogi Bearly Just Begun